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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Chène Catherine (2000).
Des fourmis et des hommes. Le Formicarius (1436-1438) de Jean Nider O.P.
Micrologus, 8:297-350.

Chène Catherine (1995).
Exorcismes et procès d'animaux dans le diocèse de Lausanne (XVe-XVIe s.)

Ciampini E.M (2005).
Il coccodrillo e il cosmo in un testo tardo-ramesside
In: Animali tra zoologie, mito e letteratura nella cultura classica e orientale. Atti del convegno, Venezia, 22-23 maggio 2002, ed. by E. Cingano / A. Ghersetti / L. Milano, Padova.

Ciarrocchi Augusto (1990).
Scena di caccia in una scultura altomedievale
Biblioteca e Società, 9:34-35.

Ciccarese Maria (2002).
Animali simbolici. Alle origine del bestiario cristiano
Bologna, EDB Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna, Centro editoriale Dehoniano, vol. I. (Agnello - Gufo). Biblioteca Patristica. (ISBN: 88-10-52048-9). 39.

Ciccarese Maria (1994).
Il formicaleone, il Fisiologo e l’esegesi di Gb 4, 11
Annali di storia dell’esegesi, 11:545-569.

Ciccuto Marcello (1994).
Le meraviglie d'Oriente nella enciclopedie illustrate del Medioevo
In: L'Enciclopedismo medievale, ed. by Michelangelo Picone, pp. 79-116.

Cid Priego Carlos (1990).
La miniatura del águila y la serpiente en los "Beatos"
Boletín del Seminario de Estudios de Arte y Arquología (Valladolid), 56:335-350.

Cid Priego Carlos (1990).
La miniatura del águila y la serpiente en los "Beatos"
Boletín del Seminario de Estudios de Arte y Arqueología (Valladolid), 56:335-350.

Cifarelli Paola (1993).
Catalogue thématique des fables ésopiques françaises du XVIe siècle
Paris, Champion.

Cifuentes i Comamala Lluís (2001).
La ciència en català a l’edat mitjana i el renaixement
Barcelona/Palma de Mallorca, Universitat de Barcelona – Universitat de les Illes Balears. Col.lecció Blaquerna. 3.

Cigada Sergio (1965).
La leggenda medievale del Cervo Bianco, e le origine della "Matière de Bretagne"
Atti della Academia Nazionale dei Lincei, Memorie classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche, serie 8, 12:1-120.

Cingano E (2005).
Il cavallo «aiutante magico» nella Grecia eroica
In: Animali tra zoologie, mito e letteratura nella cultura classica e orientale. Atti del convegno, Venezia, 22-23 maggio 2002, ed. by E. Cingano / A. Ghersetti / L. Milano, Padova.

Cizek Alexander (1981).
Ungeheuer und magische Lebewesen in der 'Epistula Alexandri ad Magistrum Suum Aristotelem de Situ Indiae'
In: International Beast Epic, Fable and Fabliau Colloquium: 1979, Münster, ed. by Jan Goosens, Timothy Sodmann. Böhlau, Köln, Wien Niederdeutsche Studien. 30. , pp. 78-94.

Cizek Alexander (1981).
Ungeheuer und magische Lebewesen in der 'Epistula Alexandri ad Magistrum Suum Aristotelem de Situ Indiae'
In: International Beast Epic, Fable and Fabliau Colloquium: 1979, Münster, ed. by Jan Goosens, Timothy Sodmann. Böhlau, Köln, Wien Niederdeutsche Studien. 30. , pp. 78-94.

Clair Colin (1967).
Unnatural history: An Illustrated Bestiary
London/New York.

Clark Anne (1975).
Beasts and Bawdy
New York, Taplinger Publishing Company.

Clark Anne (1975).
Beasts and Bawdy
New York, Taplinger Publishing Company.

Clark C (1955).
The sacred ibis
Metropolitain Museum Bulletin, 13:181-184.

Clark Gillian (1989).
Animals and animal products in medieval Italy: a discussion of archaeological and historical methodology
Papers of the British School qt Rome, 57(n.s. 44):152-71.

Clark J (1995).
The Medieval Horse and its Equipment c. 1150 - c. 1450
London, H.M.S.O. Medieval finds from excavations in London. 5.

Clark John (1983).
The hunt as metaphor: a study of the theme of death in four Middle English poems
Dissertation Abstracts International, A 43(11):3590.

Clark Kenneth (1977).
Animals and Men. Their relationship as reflected in Western Art from prehistory to the present day
London, Thames & Hudson.

Clark S.R.L (1977).
The moral status of animals

Clark Willeme (2006).
A Medieval book of beasts. The Second-Family Bestiary. Commentary, Art, text and translation
Woodbridge, Boydell Press.

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