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All recently modified items, latest first.
Text and illustration: the digitisation of a medieval manuscript by Bibuser, last updated: 2006-12-13 22:11
Richard de Fournival’s anonymous lady: the character of the response to the bestiaire d’amour by Bibuser, last updated: 2006-12-13 22:08
Symbolisme de l’aigle by Bibuser, last updated: 2006-12-13 22:02
Symbolisme de l’aigle by Bibuser, last updated: 2006-12-13 22:02
La Sepmaine by Bibuser, last updated: 2006-12-13 21:52
Polemius Silvius’ 'Voces Varie Animancium' and related catalogues of animal sounds by Bibuser, last updated: 2006-12-13 21:32
Cambridge University library L1 1 14, F. 46r-v: a late medieval natural scientist at work by Bibuser, last updated: 2006-12-13 21:30
Der Mensch und seine Haustiere. Die Geschichte einer jahrtausendealten Beziehung by Bibuser, last updated: 2006-12-13 21:27
Der Mensch und seine Haustiere. Die Geschichte einer jahrtausendealten Beziehung by Bibuser, last updated: 2006-12-13 21:27
Schlangenhaut verleiht einen klaren Blick by Bibuser, last updated: 2006-12-13 21:23
Du serpent biblique au serpent contemporain by Bibuser, last updated: 2006-12-12 22:15
Du serpent biblique au serpent contemporain by Bibuser, last updated: 2006-12-12 22:15
Les animaux dans le traité en forme d’exhortation de Jean Parmentier by Bibuser, last updated: 2006-12-12 22:08
Wholly animals: a book of beasty tales by Bibuser, last updated: 2006-12-12 22:04
Das Ebersignum im Germanischen: Ein Beitrag zur germanischen Tiersymbolik by Bibuser, last updated: 2006-12-12 19:00
Malin comme un singe oder Physiognomik und Sprache by Bibuser, last updated: 2006-12-12 18:46
List: Quellen (Sources) by minev, last updated: 2006-12-12 17:30
Nächste Woche - Treffen in Trier! by minev, last updated: 2006-12-12 16:24
Bistyles by minev, last updated: 2006-12-12 15:35
Monstrorum Historia cum Paralipomenis Historiae Omnium Animalium. Posthumously published by Bibuser, last updated: 2006-12-12 07:39
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