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All recently modified items, latest first.
Der Biber - ein Asket? Zu einem metaphorischem Motiv aus Fabel und Physiologus by minev, last updated: 2006-11-04 20:28
Der Biber - ein Asket? Zu einem metaphorischem Motiv aus Fabel und Physiologus by minev, last updated: 2006-11-04 20:28
Das Wiesel im Physiologus by minev, last updated: 2006-11-04 20:27
Tiere und Menschen. Geschichte und Aktualität eines prekären Verhältnisses by minev, last updated: 2006-11-04 19:48
The Beast within. Animals in the Middle Ages by minev, last updated: 2006-11-04 19:40
Unsicher by minev, last updated: 2006-11-04 15:47
Past Events by minev, last updated: 2006-10-26 16:33
Events which have already happened.
Events by minev, last updated: 2006-10-26 16:33
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