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A conundrum of cats: pards and their relatives in Byzantium by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-15 15:33
El tigre transformat en serp i la tigretta emmiralda: algunes notes sobre la configuració dels bestiaris catalans by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-15 15:30
El tigre transformat en serp i la tigretta emmiralda: algunes notes sobre la configuració dels bestiaris catalans by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-15 15:30
The problem of the "lonza", with an unpublished text by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-15 15:27
The problem of the "lonza", with an unpublished text by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-15 15:27
The tigress and her cubs: tracking down a Ro,an anecdote by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-15 15:25
Le tigre et le miroir - La vie d'une image, de Pline à Pierre Gringore by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-15 15:20
Le tigre et le miroir - La vie d'une image, de Pline à Pierre Gringore by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-15 15:20
Matière, sens et compilacion dans le "Dit de la panthère" de Nicole de Margival by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-15 15:17
Sur les traces du lynx by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-15 15:11
Sur les traces du lynx by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-15 15:11
Tigres y estilos en bestiarios by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-15 15:09
Tigres y estilos en bestiarios by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-15 15:09
Le bienheureux ??? et la panthère by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-15 15:07
L'origine de deux léopards de Normandie by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-15 15:03
L'origine de deux léopards de Normandie by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-15 15:03
Leopards of England and the other papers on heraldy by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-15 15:01
Leopards of England and the other papers on heraldy by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-15 15:01
La chasse au guépard d'après les sources arabes et les oeuvres d'art musulman by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-15 15:00
La chasse au guépard d'après les sources arabes et les oeuvres d'art musulman by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-15 15:00
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