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Natura, storia e mitografia del lupo nel Medioevo by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 16:21
Natura, storia e mitografia del lupo nel Medioevo by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 16:21
Lupi genti culture. Uomo e ambiente nel Medioevo by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 16:20
Lupi genti culture. Uomo e ambiente nel Medioevo by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 16:20
Les chiens de Dieu. La représentation des loup-garous en Occident (XIe-XXe s.) by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 16:18
Wolven in West-Vlaanderen in de Late Middeleeuwen by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 16:17
Wolven in West-Vlaanderen in de Late Middeleeuwen by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 16:17
Le loup, saint Guénolé et son double by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 16:15
Le loup, saint Guénolé et son double by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 16:15
L'image du loup et du chien dans la Grèce ancienne d'Homère à Platon by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 16:12
L'image du loup et du chien dans la Grèce ancienne d'Homère à Platon by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 16:12
The motif of the hypocritical wolf in medieval Greek and Latin animal literature by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 16:10
The motif of the hypocritical wolf in medieval Greek and Latin animal literature by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 16:10
The werewolf as "eiron": freedom and comedy in "William of Palerne" by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 16:07
La métamorphose illusoire. Des théories chrétiennes de la métamorphose aux images médiévales du loup-garou by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 16:05
Le loup aux XIVe et XVIe siècles en Normandie by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 16:01
Le loup aux XIVe et XVIe siècles en Normandie by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 16:01
Die mythische Bedeutung des Wolfes by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 16:00
Die mythische Bedeutung des Wolfes by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 16:00
La guerre du loup by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 15:59
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