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The fifteenth-century "Association of beasts, birds and of men". The earliest text with language for carvers by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 08:36
The fifteenth-century "Association of beasts, birds and of men". The earliest text with language for carvers by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 08:36
L'ordre des choses. Les récits d'origine des animaux et des plantes d'Europe by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 08:34
L'ordre des choses. Les récits d'origine des animaux et des plantes d'Europe by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 08:34
Animales e imaginario. La zoologia maravillosa medieval by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 08:32
Animales e imaginario. La zoologia maravillosa medieval by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 08:32
Die Bennenung des Schafes in den romanischen Sprachen. Ein Beitrag zur Frage der provinziellen Differenzierung des späteren Lateins by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 18:06
Die Bennenung des Schafes in den romanischen Sprachen. Ein Beitrag zur Frage der provinziellen Differenzierung des späteren Lateins by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 18:06
Der Hamel Tityrus. Versuch einer Deutung von c. 2, 41 des Sedulius Scottus by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 18:05
A note on the disappearance of the Good Shephard from early Christian art by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 18:04
A note on the disappearance of the Good Shephard from early Christian art by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 18:04
Das Lamm als Christussymbol in den Schriften der Väter by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 18:02
Das Lamm als Christussymbol in den Schriften der Väter by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 18:02
Zur Ikonographie des Widders von Gen. 22 by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 18:01
Zur Ikonographie des Widders von Gen. 22 by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 18:01
Gedanken zu einer Theologie des Lammes by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 18:00
Gedanken zu einer Theologie des Lammes by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 18:00
La tipologia dell'agnello pasquale e l'attesa escatologica in età patristica by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 17:58
St. Michael, the dragon and the lamb on Early Tympana by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 17:56
St. Michael, the dragon and the lamb on Early Tympana by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-16 17:56
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