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Chasses fantastiques et cohortes de la nuit au Moyen Age by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 09:22
Chasses fantastiques et cohortes de la nuit au Moyen Age by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 09:22
The Tractatus super quatuor elementa of Walter of Wimborne by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 09:21
The Tractatus super quatuor elementa of Walter of Wimborne by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 09:21
Maerlants zintuig-kampioenen by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 09:20
Maerlants zintuig-kampioenen by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 09:20
Tierkunde by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 09:15
La croix sur la tête d'un animal by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 09:13
La croix sur la tête d'un animal by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 09:13
Moveable beasts: the manifold implications of early Germanic animal imagery by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 09:12
Moveable beasts: the manifold implications of early Germanic animal imagery by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 09:12
Das Bild des Tieres im Mittelalter by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 09:10
Das Bild des Tieres im Mittelalter by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 09:10
Zoologie médiévale: préoccupations et procédés by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 09:09
Le Bestiaire divin ou la symbolique des animaux by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 09:06
Le Bestiaire divin ou la symbolique des animaux by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 09:06
L'animal dans les procédures religieuses du Moyen Age by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 09:04
Ménagerie cistercienne by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 09:02
Ménagerie cistercienne by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 09:02
Animaux by Bibuser, last updated: 2007-01-17 09:01
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